Thursday, October 29, 2015

Training those T.B.A.s

Louise’s calling to train up an army of empowered and equipped TBAs (Traditional Birth Attendants) in the developing world and among the displaced and oppressed continues to gain traction. 

As we have traveled she keeps meeting people who work on the front lines in Africa and elsewhere who are desperate for her to come and provide this training. There is a real felt need out there and the local medical resources are never going to be adequate to fill it. 

Please keep Louise in prayer as she is, in faith, putting together a trip to West Africa for early 2016 where two week-long trainings are proposed – back-to-back. She is asking God for a partner to go with her and assist. 

South Sudanese Midwives trained in January 2015
The sales of her hand-made greeting cards are paying for 100% of this ministry’s costs.

Want to help? Order cards here:

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