Thursday, October 29, 2015

Empty Nest Frees to Flock Together

These days, Louise and I are discovering one of the great freedoms of the “Empty Nest” – traveling and ministering as a couple. 

Brian became a “Million Miler” with United Airlines and the award miles he earns pay for Louise’s tickets. So far this year we have spent time together in South Sudan (training midwives), Dallas TX & Central Arkansas (teaching Perspectives), Amsterdam (YWAM Frontier Mission Leaders Mtg), Oklahoma (Voice of the Martyrs), Sweden (visit to Mongolia teammates and family), Hawaii (teaching at two University of the Nations schools), Orange County CA (Perspectives & biking with Louise’s sister), Malta (the GAP), Cedar Falls Iowa (church mission conf.), and we may get in a Christmas getaway. This is more time together (kid-free) on the road than we have had in total in the two decades since Mongolia. Even though most are working trips (and at least Brian’s travel is paid for), we still manage to be overwhelmed with all of the fun adventures and discoveries the Father has for us on every jaunt. God is good.

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