Thursday, October 29, 2015

Exploring Northern Iraq

On November 12th, Brian will enter to Iraq for the first time. The trip is exploratory in nature. God has been unfolding a dream in our hearts to work together among the least, the lost, and the last, raising up leaders of disciple-making movements and equipping local midwives to save the lives of mommies and babies. 

Recently we have been stirred to see if the sprawling camps of Syrian (and other) refugees are fertile soil for what God has put into our hearts and the talents He’s entrusted to us. Just after we agreed to pursue this, God dropped a whole family of new cousins (Brian’s on the maternal side) into our laps. The Pursley’s live just 14 miles from us, all three of their kids are missionaries (Brian’s third cousins) and one goes in and out of the camps in Northern Iraq. 

Armed with inside information, Brian and a young man named Zebulun are dropping into Kurdish-held Iraq to “spy out the land”. Please pray for the perfect contacts, Persons of Peace, and a clear vision of the way forward to emerge. 

(We don’t feel like this will result in a permanent move but rather shorter stays with a goal of being catalysts for grassroots movements.)

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