Fall 2007 FM Waves
Long Awaited Newsletter at Last!
As unforgivable as a five month gap in newsletters may be (and I do apologize!) I may have an acceptable excuse. After a decade of writing (and periodic bouts of writers’ block) I have a BOOK to show for my efforts! In the push to finish it and get it into print, the print version of our newsletter languished. We also lost our mailing service of the past 14 years, Calvary Missionary Press (we praise God for their many years of service to His workers and wish them a wonderful retirement!), so that added a bit of chaos. But we feel that a 272 page book loaded with illustrations (58 of them) ought to make up for a year with only two FM Waves. (By the way, if you are on our emailing list you have gotten quite a few more updates. If you are not getting these just send me an email.
The Book is Here
October 2nd was a big day in our household. My book, There’s a Sheep in my Bathtub: Birth of a Mongolian Church Planting Movement, arrived from the printer. It had been pre-selling briskly (thanks to you early adopters!) for over a month, but there is nothing like holding the actual book in your hands!
The book is also available in eBook format. Just download the free Mobipocket Reader - Mobipocket.com and send me just $5 (or more if you feel generous) through PayPal.combrian@cpcoaches.com) and I will rush you the eBook to read on your PC or handheld device.
While on the topic of the book:
- I am doing a signing at Borders Bookstore at the mall in Eureka, CA on 11/17 at 3PM.
- And here is a newspaper review of my book:
- After you have read and enjoyed my book would you please take a couple minutes and review it online at Amazon.com and/or Google Book Search? Thanks in advance.
Brian's Speaking Schedule Winter/Spring 2007-08
has been posted in html form at AsteroideaBooks
A number of you have asked me where and when I will be in your area. Here is my upcoming schedule. I will have books along if you want to pick up a copy and save on shipping.
You can also check my online calendar anytime you want.
Thanks for praying:
- Our girls and several other young people were in an accident that totaled our van but no major injuries occurred. Thank you for your prayers.
Things to pray for:
· Continue to lift up Organic Greetings, Louise’ card business to raise funds for ministry trips. Check out the product at http://organicgreeting.com
· God’s grace during and around all the travel this spring.
· Our finances in general which are quite strained from the printing of the book (we started a publishing company: AsteroideaBooks.com) and rising fuel prices. Please pray in massive sales to help us pay our bills.
· That the Father’s hand would be on our children in all their activity and busy social lives – that they would know and honor Him and be kept safe from harm.
You can now give to us on line!
The site for on-line gifts: http://www.ywamcolorado.org/nf/general/donate.html and in the drop down menu designate "Missionary Support" then put in our names below "Brian and Louise Hogan"
For our TRAVEL FUND send checks made out to YWAM to our home address in the FM Waves banner. Write “Travel Fund” in the memo line. We can’t possibly express how much we appreciate your prayers, partnership, and gifts.
May the God of all the nations bless you and keep you,
the Hogan Family