**For Immediate Release**
Brian Hogan
Asteroidea Books
P.O. Box 737
Bayside, CA 95524
Phone: 707-839-0213
Email: info@AsteroideaBooks.com
Globetrotting Author Releases New Book
Tale of a local family's adventures in the lands of Genghis Khan
McKinleyville, CA - "There's a Sheep in my Bathtub" 272 pages, paperback
Author: Brian P. Hogan
Publisher: Asteroidea Books (www.AsteroideaBooks.com)
There's a Sheep in my Bathtub is the story of an American family (the author's) as they survive and even thrive in the bizarre and topsy-turvy world of post-communist Mongolia from 1992-96. The Hogan family served as English teachers and worked in Asia largest copper mine in addition to helping start Mongolia's first movement of multiplying fellowships of Jesus followers (now numbering over 40,000). Replete with photo illustrations, this humorous and, at times, heart-wrenching memoir chronicles an intensely personal bird's eye view of the cataclysmic changes that sweep Mongolia after the fall of totalitarianism.
You will laugh, you will cry, but you will not be able to put down this adventure at the ends of the earth.
I would be happy to send you an electronic pdf copy for review upon request.
I am available for interview and can provide photos from the book if wanted. Call me at 839-0213 or email: info@AsteroideaBooks.com
Advance Praise for There's a Sheep in my Bathtub is available online at: http://asteroideabooks.com/page5.html
About Brian P. Hogan
BRIAN HOGAN earned his Master’s in Ministry from Hope International University (Fullerton, CA) specializing in Intercultural Studies. He is a sought after speaker, trainer and coach. Brian serves full time with Church Planting Coaches; a global ministry of Youth With A Mission. He enjoys being a catalyst, hanging out, finding swimming holes, reading books, traveling and trying anything new, novel, and different.
Brian has participated in, led, and started organic expressions of Jesus’ Body in the USA, Malta, and Mongolia both inside and outside the traditional church wineskin. He coaches those involved in these movements on five continents, especially focusing on where the church isn’t.
He is also the author of “Distant Thunder: Mongols Follow the Khan of Khans” which is featured as a case study in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: a Reader (1999; William Carey Library). Brian’s training course Keys to Church Planting Movements is available on CD-Rom through Church Planting Coaches (www.cpcoaches.com). A DVD workshop is also available.
Brian and his wife Louise have four children: Melody Stone (married to Luke), Molly, Alice, and Peter. They make their home in McKinleyville.